Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Hello friends! Thanks for taking the time to visit. Having now visited Turkey some 35 times since that first voyage in '99 one thought continues to stand out. "I would have never dreamed of what would unfold." So many blessings, so many unexpected graces. The photo posted here of me and the sweet "grandma" was taken in 2007 in the town of Zara in the central part of Turkey. My two oldest daughters, Mary Beth and Ani, were with me on that particular trip. We were in Cappadocia with a group on a pilgrimage and took a day off to see my dad's old hometown. Dad only knew of one friend that might still be there and due to some amazing circumstances we found him. His was the only Armenian family still living in Zara. He took us to his apartment to see his mom who we soon found out is an aunt to my cousin Simon's wife, Mari.

There's something in this country that just draws me back. Just happening upon this sweet lady reminds me of why I love being there. More and more I can see how my identity was formed here. I truly am a child of Anatolia.